Depending on the size and complexity of your organization, managing technology can easily become a full-time job. If you are only calling a technician when you are dealing with a computer issue, then you might be sitting on a ticking time bomb. Whether you have internal staff responsible for managing your IT, or you rely on a third-party, you’ll want to make sure the following tasks are getting done.
Bad habits can have detrimental effects on your overall life. For example, if every night at four in the morning, you snuck into the kitchen to eat a few spoonfuls of uncooked Pillsbury Cookie Dough right out of the tube from the back of the refrigerator, you’d probably be doing more harm than good to your health without really getting that much enjoyment out of the act. Cybersecurity bad habits might save you a few seconds of time each day, but they can come back to bite you.
Ignoring cybersecurity best practices is about as useful as getting good at hiding that Pillsbury Cookie Dough wrapper in the bottom of the trash so nobody realizes it’s gone.
All joking aside, you are personally responsible for your own cybersecurity, and keeping yourself safe online, whether that be at home with your personal accounts, or at work, is extremely important. It doesn’t take a lot of effort either, it just takes good habits.
Let’s go over a few things you can do to save yourself from a lot of headaches down the road.